This year marks the tenth anniversary for HeartCo. And it’s crazy to think of the journey we have been on. Right back from our start in 2009, when my father-in-law gave me his Mac Pro as I started a venture I never could have imagined would lead to where HeartCo is now.
Still working at Sainsbury’s, 10-years-ago Stephen handed in his resignation with an uncertainty about what the future held. But I knew it was the right thing to do. I believe it was a God moment. And by that I mean, something that God had His hand on. Crazy to believe perhaps. But with every passing year, the craziness starts to make a little bit more sense.
Now, a set of three limited companies and professional photography sole trader, HeartCo Ltd feels stronger than ever. But I won’t forget the roots of where we started. And I believe that the pathway we have and are carving will be a wealth of help to others who want to start their own businesses and help their dreams take flight.
I don’t know it all. I know precious little, actually. But I do know how I got here, so if anyone out there wants to pick my brains. Consider me available.